for enetation users
enetation SPAM killer

tired of being repeatedly hit by hundreds of comment spams with my enetation account, i had to find a solution. i had to write a program which would detect and delete those spams automatically. a few hours of hardcore coding and here it is! (sorry, only for pc users...)

just run the program (CSK.exe) and follow these steps :
  • 1. enetation login
    you'll have to login first in order to be able to delete comments next. so just type in your enetation login & password, and don't forget to tell whether you have a basic or pro account ("Pro" checkbox). then click the [Login] button.
  • 2. URLs to be checked
    next, you have to tell the program which URLs have to be checked for spams. that is, the addresses of all of your comments where there may be spam. if you click the [Grab] button, the program will retrieve the complete list of all your comments from enetation.
  • 3. search & destroy!
    the last step will make the program go through each page and check for comment spams. it will look for words in the "Forbidden words" list and delete each comment that contains one of these words. just make sure not to blacklist words that can be found in "clean" comments!
    once the process has been started, it cannot be stopped until finished (you can still terminate the process if you like, heh). the process uses the same thread as the GUI so don't be scared if your window doesn't seem to be much alive!
    checking and deleting comments may be slow depending on your connection speed, basic/pro account, etc... just be patient!

gimme gimme!
pretty slim : 161 zipped Kbytes. just help yourself.

> download now <
11.02.2004 - v1.0.3
what's new ?

drop me a comment (down right) if you have any suggestion. i will not be responsible for accidental comments loss or whatever may happen after you misused my program. it's been successfully tested on my pro account and my girlfriend's basic account too. have a good spam hunting!

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